Starting a business can be so much fun for kids. Especially if your kid already
has the entrepreneurial bug. Kids have so many interests, so it’s not too hard to
and some fun ideas you could help your children explore. Even if they don’t make
a ton of money, you’ll be teaching them valuable business, life, and street skills.
We’ve put together the following kid entrepreneur ideas – so here’s to some
fruitful ventures ahead!

Weekend Coffee and Bagel Service
One of my favorite things about staying in a hotel is room service. I really wish
that when I’m at home, I could just place my coffee order the night before and
have it delivered at a certain time.
So why not have your teen offer a coffee and bagel delivery service on the
weekends. They can take orders the night before and pick up and delivery to you
in the morning.
Jewelry Shop
Kids love making things with their hands, and they know what other kids want
and will spend money on. Right now, my kids and their friends all love those
rubber band loom bracelets. They even started their own neighborhood summer
business making and selling them.
A bit of budgeting knowledge will help them stay on top of a business like this,
because they’ll need to know how to manage their expenses and understand
how they stack up against their income.
You’ll need to help them understand how to price their goods, and that you don’t
just pick a price out of thin air.
Book Series
As kids are learning to read, we as their parents are spending a ton of time
reading to them. When our our kids were at that stage, we also did a lot of “round
robin” type stories, where we’d make up a story on-the-fly.
My kids absolutely loved this type of creativity, and we actually came up with
some amazing stories – ones that I’ve even wished we’d turned into our own
You don’t have to live in hindsight, though. Why not help your child develop a
routine and a stick-to-it-ness that will stick with them throughout life…. Set aside
a certain amount of time each day to work with your little one in crafting a story
that – most importantly – they will like… and that secondly, an audience of their
peers will like.
Look into services like Amazon’s KDP, which makes it relatively easy for anyone
to jump into the self-publishing world.
Put together a marketing plan that – at first – will probably involve telling all your
family and friends about your little one’s new venture. And brand out from there.
And have a plan for a few more books, should your rst take off. Many times,
one title can be broken out into a few more titles as follow-up, and before you
know it, you’ll have your own book series.
Cookie Delivery
Everyone loves fresh cookies! Even as an adult, they are a weakness for me. I
remember back to my high school days, one of the clubs in our school would put
on a weekly fundraiser and sell the most delicious, big-as-your-whole-hand, soft,
gooey, chocolate chip cookies, and the whole atrium would smell amazing.
Students would line up to buy these cookies – and it was something that brought
everyone together. Cookies make people happy!
So one idea for your budding kid entrepreneur is to start a cookie business. Pull
together some favorite recipes and start taking orders.
Remember that for any food business, you technically need to abide by food
preparation regulations in your area, so look into those first. But if you feel
strongly about this idea, test the waters with a neighborhood cookie stand or
pop-up shop in your community’s clubhouse, and move on up from there.
Chances are, your cookies are going to put smiles on a whole lot of faces.
Dog Walker/Pet Sitter
Kids love pets, and so for a slightly older and more responsible child, starting a
dog walking or pet sitting business might be a great idea. Have your child sit down
and write down exactly what services they’d like to offer – whether it’s coming to
let a dog out during the day, or feeding them, or bathing them.
Then, make a few flyers and/or business cards, and share the news with those in
your community.
Wedding Musician
This one comes from first-hand experience, as I became a wedding musician in
high school. For kids who love music and excel at playing an instrument or
singing, being a wedding musician is entirely possible.
This kid entrepreneur idea requires networking with wedding planners, so help
your child spread the word by connecting them to these types of people who will
help get their name out.
Floral Designer
This kid entrepreneur idea is one that – like cookies – just makes people happy. If
your kid has an eye for design, it’s all about arranging flowers in a pretty way and
delivering them to their recipients.
Your child can create some floral designs, and you can share them on your
social media, to start. This is a great way to test the response without investing
a lot of money. Just add a slight markup to get the business going, and until you
decide you want to invest in a more wholesale approach to oral design.
Personal Assistant/Mother’s Helper
Whether your older kids are helping you at work or with your younger children,
either a personal assistant or mother’s helper position is a great idea for a kid
With either of these positions, your kid or teen may be doing some very random
tasks – whether it’s helping to play with a younger child, or whether it’s putting
away groceries.
Either way, your child will be learning valuable life skills, and you’ll be getting
some help along the way. This is a win-win for families who have some expendable income to pay their own children, and who want their kids to be close by, rather than at a job away from home.
The Final Word on Kid Entrepreneur Ideas
Being a kid entrepreneur can be exhilarating – and it can also help kids learn
some important life lessons, and make mistakes that they can learn from, early
on. Kids are naturally tenacious, so if you can help guide them into their rst
entrepreneurial venture at something they love, the business bug will naturally
catch on.
Share these ideas with your kid today, and let us know if you decide to move
forward with one of our fun kid entrepreneur business ideas!
Want even more inspiration? Check out our favorite books for kid entrepreneurs.
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